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Wednesday, 6 September 2017

UI v/s UX: What should Matter More for Your Mobile App?

The world is turning into a tech-savvy generation, the designs and functions of the web/mobile apps are getting more and more complex due to which there are huge numbers of start-ups trending now a days. Managing the start-ups in this competitive world is getting extremely difficult.

There is a way out to help start ups sustain well in the market. Identifying what should be more important for your mobile apps, User Experience or User Interface will help you fight back and maintain your position in the market. Entering the market as a start-up will require you maintain a proper balance between both UX and UI. Focusing on one criterion will not let you target your audience in an efficient manner. The main purpose of using the apps is not to brainstorm and gather some information but it is just for self contentment.
Most of us might have heard about User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) and more often these terms are interchangeably used for each other too. But do we know what is UX and UI?
User Experience (UX) of a mobile app is a process of creating and improvising customer satisfaction with loyalty by enhancing the usability, ease in use and satisfaction served while interacting with them mobile app.
User Interface (UI) of a mobile app is focused more on making a phone attractive and enhancing the looks and feel of a mobile app. UI helps in improvising the presentation of a mobile app making it look attractive.
To make your application attractive, it needs to be focused on both the aspects UX and UI in an appropriate manner. Focusing on one of the aspects can lead to the ignorance of the benefits and need of the other. Focusing more on UX and less on UI can give you the best of User Experience but your app is sure to lack in the looks and feel. On the flip side, if more focus is laid on UI and not on UX, the application lacks in serving the users with a stronger architecture. Both UX and UI have equal significant roles in the Mobile Application Development .
In the technology developed world, gadgets like Smartphones, Laptops, and Tables is successfully taking over the world and has become significant part of our lives. It not only helps in easy execution of all our tasks but it has also improvised our standard of living.
For an organisation to compete in the market living behind all the competitors, they need to distribute their focus equally on both UX and UI while developing a Mobile Application.

Lets now get a better clarification on what’s more important UX or UI ?

As per the advices laid down by the experts experiences, identifying the Importance of UX and UIcompletely depends on the nature of business. In majority of the cases the mobile app is called to be designed efficiently if it serves with lot of user engagement and appropriate showcasing of the functionalities of the product thereby giving an allowance to the users of effortlessly interacting with the varied features of the product with an ease.
The application will be successful if it is designed considering the needs and demands of the business requirements.
Maintaining a perfect balance of both UX and UI will help in attaining maximum number of users for the mobile app. Not only this but also holding the users in the mobile app will become easier.
To conclude, it can be very well said that the UX and UI of a mobile application acts as a differentiator which serves in the establishment of a unique vale proposition for the mobile app. Considering the business’s perspective, it is essentially important to maintain the synchronization of the UX and UI not only for the customer contentment but it will also lead to revenue generation and will build the goodwill of your brand.

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