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Friday, 8 September 2017

The New Age of Mobile Application Development - IoT and Bots

The recent buzzwords of technology world these days are “Internet of Things” and “Bots”. 
Internet of Things is making possible for all of us to get connected with a world where any of the objects can get an access for data transmission capabilities.
Whereas, the bots leads to machine learning and artificial intelligence added to this internal bots helps in the stimulation of human interaction. 

Mobile Applications leads to the growth and development of both the technologies. Internet of Things uses mobile applications as an interface whereas; bots pertains to instant messaging mobile applications.

Mobile Applications and loT:

loT object is featured with a low processor, an embedded operating system and a communication protocol. 
It helps in connecting to the internet along with their neighboring objects or internet gateway. 
loT system also consists of infrastructure and software running on the cloud which helps in receiving and organisation of the data received from different objects. 
Followed by this loT system also has analytics tool which involves fed data and it is then processed. 
The last added feature of loT is the end user tier which is defined as an application which in the interaction point for the end users. 
Towards the end, Android Applications Development are usually build on Internet of Things platform. 
It also comprises of incoming data and analytics tiers based on which the mobile applications are built over it.

Mobile Application and Bots:

Owing to the instant messaging mobile applications, the chatbots are expected to proliferate in coming years. 
The giants of technology are now expanding the growth of bots for which they have lead to the introduction of platforms for the development of bots. 
Bot builder for Node.js which is a platform created for the developers to aid them with the building, testing and publishing bots and is launched by Microsoft. 
ChatScript is a next generation ChatBot Engine which serves with an open source framework for the developers to make it easy for them to build and deploy the chatbots. 
Pandorabots is called to be an offline service which allows the developers to build, host and deploy the bots. 
Technology Giants have given an access to all the developers which allows them to bring in new innovation. Pertaining to this Bots are expected to rule the Mobile Application Development in near future.
loT and Bots are still in their development stage in the field of mobile application development. There are still many innovative solutions which will be built around the Internet of things and bots.

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