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Friday, 18 August 2017

Factors to Boost In-App Engagement: Covering grey area of app development

The situation which can lead to disengagement of the customers can be faced even after brainstorming on the concept, design and development of a state of the art mobile app. 

Number of Active Users on the App is what defines the engagement of an App. The ratings pertain to be on a higher side for the apps crossing 10+ sessions per month.

        Related blog :-  Factors Associated with Boost of App development

The matter of fact to be noted here is, if in case the app is opened only once in 7 days then it clearly states that there is 60% probability of it being opened and used again. 

Sustenance of an App in such competitive market is a matter of concern for many of us. The solution to this is In App Engagement which has been rightly developed to invoke Customer Loyalty.

Push Notifications:
Push Notifications has proven to be one of the best possibilities of engaging the app users. The major objective of using Push Notification is drawing users back to your app. The added feature is the customization of the notifications which can be flexible as per the target audience. Customization of the notifications can be based on varied factors including past preferences, behavior, and engagement with the app. Push Notifications can help your visitors with a definite reason to return and revisit your app.

App Updates:
Striking up with an exceptional app with proper maintenance of its relevance to the context, it is essentially significant to constantly update the app adding on the new experiences and new features. Up gradation of the app is based more on the feedback of the users as that help in the best possible way to find out the loopholes and rectify the same. Update of the apps require deciding and finalizing on the new features to be included in the app which then requires a lot of analytics, tracking user behavior and the features that helps in driving the usage. Retaining the users on app with the proper renovation of the app is a tedious task.

The safest way of driving and maintaining the engagement of users is to offer them with the incentives. Offering the users with rewards, discount coupons, gifts, privileged content access, customized promotions can lead your app to drive high engagement levels. The incentive type which needs to be provided to the users solely depends on the app’s nature. The design of the incentive should be done keeping in mind, the target audience and their interaction with the app.

One of the best experiences to be offered to the users can be a personalised one through the app. The best and the easiest way of personalizing the app is to include username and display a picture. The other way out can also be through sending the notifications which suits the best to the preference of the user. Asking the app users about their choice of content can also help you to decide which kind of content can be used and which type of content can be avoided.

Core Value Proposition :
While your app is in transit of reaching its final development destination, bombarding all the features at the same time never turns out to be effective. If this is being done, you might lose a chance of knowing user’s priority of each feature. Analysing and understanding the core problem with an accurate solution is what needs to be done from your end. Post this you can precede with adding on new features. This will help you know the priority of the users. On satisfying users’ most prioritised problems, the probability of users using the app regularly increases.

Brainstorming on strategy at the time of app engagement will help to conceptualize the app. With increasing app retention, the App Engagement can be treated as a cure for this problem.

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