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Thursday, 24 August 2017

Digital Marketing Strategies in the age of Iot | WeeTech Solution

Internet of Things (loT) very well defines the network and interaction between varied devices which has been facilitated with internet and is used in our day to day life. Such devices then help in transmission and collection of the data via Bluetooth signals, beacons and cloud respectively. 

IoL is the new age of MobileApplication Development. Customers get a lot of importance because of IoT. loT communicates with the users, analysis their behaviour, understand their needs  and fulfil it all. Considering customers as their priority, loT has made many processes easy for the users one of which is the buying process which can now be done on just few clicks from a bunch of clicks.

With such benefits of loT, there are new doors opening to the world of Digital Marketing and is expected leave its mark on the world. Let’s see how loT will influence the Digital Marketing:

1.       Contextual Marketing will b completely transformed:
loT has introduced new devices in the market which helps in accumulating the accurate data of individual users, with the help of which it becomes easy for us to analyse and determine the behaviour, nature, buying pattern and need of an individual. Based on this data, marketing texts pertaining to the need data collected is being formed which updates the consumers with their day-to-day needs.

2.     Development & Growth of Marketing Agencies:
Marketing agencies will now have to come out of their comfort zone. Their job will not only end to serving the clients with traditional marketing services, but they will also have to create the platforms for their clients providing them with the right technical assistance in all different aspects focusing majorly on data collection and interpretation.

3.     Monetisation of the information:
The conversion rates of the marketing agencies are being increased by using the information shared by users like us over the internet, not only this but the information shared on our smart phones also helps in conversion rates.

4.     Improvements in the securing the privacy of the Data:
loT leads to accumulation of the Data, which brings along the major responsibility of protecting the data in the right way. Considering this need, involvement of developed encryption techniques will be considered as a part of the process to provide right security to the data.

5.     Customization and Timely Delivery of the Messages:
loT has been developed in such a way that it leads to the identification of the right time to deliver the messages. This has helped the stores to approach the customers by sending a notification exactly when they are near to the store. It also can be used to ask the customers for their instant feedbacks.

6.     Prioritisation of loT data by Digital Marketing:
Various platforms of Digital Marketing will now have to develop in a way that can help them identify the loT data easily, as they have to deal with a lot of data on constant basis. loT signals will help in accessing the right data which will be then interpreted and analysed.


IoT technology will aid in bridging the communication gap between the marketers and the customers. The introduction of IoT technology has offered the marketers with the new avenue of studying the needs and buying patterns of the customers. To study the way customers interact with things and also their expectation pertaining to the messages, marketers can divide the customers as per their needs and buying patterns. The only matter of concern is Will customers and Marketers accept the IoT technology?

Friday, 18 August 2017

Importance of Mobile App Security and Why it’s Essential to Your Business

Mobile technology is gaining much popularity since past few years. In order to fulfil the customer’s demands, varied apps have been designed for mobile platforms. Due to such growing trends and demand of mobile applications, the hackers tends to exploit the mobile solutions due to varied reasons. 

                  Related blog:- Why you Must have Android App for your Business?

It’s high time to realise the importance of security of the mobile apps and look into finding the solution to this problem.

Let’s understand the importance of Mobile App Security:

The allowance of bringing own hacked device:
Joining in the race of mobility and to lower down the business expenses, many of the firms are ideating on the employees bring their own devices to work. This can be beneficial in some aspect for the other side is matter of concern. How can you rely on the trust ability of the devices? It’s not about malicious intent here but at times even the employees are unaware of their own devices. If such types of devices is being used at your workplace that can put your highly sensitive data in danger.

The evolution of risks can be from other networks too:
It’s not just the office network where your employees connects their personal devices being it their personal devices they even connect it with other networks. Outer networks are not strongly configured and can be hacked easily. This is what makes you to acknowledge the need of mobile app security by earliest implementation of the same.

Threat Intelligence: The not so powerful new solution:
Threat Intelligence is based on the solutions that is developed by experts and can help in warning the business on the possible plotted attacks. All this is being done by the adaption of a proactive stance with constant monitoring of activities both on the network and externally too. Despite of involving such activities the businesses are still being attacked. Why? The newly advanced tools make it all possible.

Fight fire with fire:

Even after finding a way out to fight against the threat intelligence, why can’t the humans come up with a solution in order to ensure security? This makes us aware of a term Threat Hunting which states a process to track the indicators of compromise with the help of automated threat detection systems but are also analysed by the researches themselves. It’s one among the human element that has the ability of converting water into wine by spotting anomalies, inconsistencies and patterns in the evolving data. Ethical Hacker has the ability of analysing the information in detail which can be used as a source to interpret and forecast events of a threatening nature. 

Factors to Boost In-App Engagement: Covering grey area of app development

The situation which can lead to disengagement of the customers can be faced even after brainstorming on the concept, design and development of a state of the art mobile app. 

Number of Active Users on the App is what defines the engagement of an App. The ratings pertain to be on a higher side for the apps crossing 10+ sessions per month.

        Related blog :-  Factors Associated with Boost of App development

The matter of fact to be noted here is, if in case the app is opened only once in 7 days then it clearly states that there is 60% probability of it being opened and used again. 

Sustenance of an App in such competitive market is a matter of concern for many of us. The solution to this is In App Engagement which has been rightly developed to invoke Customer Loyalty.

Push Notifications:
Push Notifications has proven to be one of the best possibilities of engaging the app users. The major objective of using Push Notification is drawing users back to your app. The added feature is the customization of the notifications which can be flexible as per the target audience. Customization of the notifications can be based on varied factors including past preferences, behavior, and engagement with the app. Push Notifications can help your visitors with a definite reason to return and revisit your app.

App Updates:
Striking up with an exceptional app with proper maintenance of its relevance to the context, it is essentially significant to constantly update the app adding on the new experiences and new features. Up gradation of the app is based more on the feedback of the users as that help in the best possible way to find out the loopholes and rectify the same. Update of the apps require deciding and finalizing on the new features to be included in the app which then requires a lot of analytics, tracking user behavior and the features that helps in driving the usage. Retaining the users on app with the proper renovation of the app is a tedious task.

The safest way of driving and maintaining the engagement of users is to offer them with the incentives. Offering the users with rewards, discount coupons, gifts, privileged content access, customized promotions can lead your app to drive high engagement levels. The incentive type which needs to be provided to the users solely depends on the app’s nature. The design of the incentive should be done keeping in mind, the target audience and their interaction with the app.

One of the best experiences to be offered to the users can be a personalised one through the app. The best and the easiest way of personalizing the app is to include username and display a picture. The other way out can also be through sending the notifications which suits the best to the preference of the user. Asking the app users about their choice of content can also help you to decide which kind of content can be used and which type of content can be avoided.

Core Value Proposition :
While your app is in transit of reaching its final development destination, bombarding all the features at the same time never turns out to be effective. If this is being done, you might lose a chance of knowing user’s priority of each feature. Analysing and understanding the core problem with an accurate solution is what needs to be done from your end. Post this you can precede with adding on new features. This will help you know the priority of the users. On satisfying users’ most prioritised problems, the probability of users using the app regularly increases.

Brainstorming on strategy at the time of app engagement will help to conceptualize the app. With increasing app retention, the App Engagement can be treated as a cure for this problem.

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

An Overview of Mobile App Development Life-cycle

Mobile applications and their usage are increasing day by day. It looks like even sky is not a limit for them. Let’s tour around the process of how a mobile app is envisioned, designed, defined and launched for the users worldwide. There is a unique process for it, which is generally referred as mobile application development lifecycle which covers a complete top to bottom approach.

1) In-depth Market Research

Keep a close eye on what is trending now and what may be expected in near future.

Market research, popularly known as requirement gathering or scope analysis, is the core stepping stone in the lifecycle for the development of mobile applications, aiming to identify, the unique features and innovative functionalities that are required to make the app standout amongst competitors along with the most common usability based features that are must and expected by a large target audience.

The process of market research for your (or any) concept may look like a basic step but it is something that should never be overlooked. It’s a potential step towards gaining and sustaining the leadership in the market for your mobile app and hence make it not only popular but at the same time successful too. The purpose to find your correct target audience and provide them the required solution for their exact pain points and align the priorities of roadmap ahead is duly served by this process.

So let’s take a look at the key points to be considered in mind while doing the market research and creating a positive impact on your concept and its validation.
  • Core purpose of the app
  • Basic expectations from the app
  • Target audience and Key competitors
  • Technology stack and platform architecture
  • Completion period and timely launching
  • Budget and related expenses for launching and marketing
  • Boost conversion and sustain users
 2) Wireframes & Prototyping

Pen down your initial thoughts, iterate through your ideas and layout the blueprint.

The process of wire framing establishes the base for the designing of the app and sketching its layout. With iterations of ideas and revisions of design concepts, this phase ensures that a flawless UX is defined with a striking UI.

The purpose of prototyping is to go one step ahead of wire-framing and visualizing the interface design and experiencing the interactions of the app on real mobile devices. Let it be gathering the feedback, evaluate ideas, proof check the concept or realize the user interaction and behavior, prototype serves at every step.

Thus the process of wireframes and prototyping helps in building as well as strengthening the core idea and thereby establishing the perfect bridge between idea and execution to optimize the further process ahead.

3) Design and Development of the App

It’s time now to actually build and give your vision, the shape of reality. It’s bringing ideas to life.

This is the most important and highly prominent step of mobile application development lifecycle. It is the actual phase where all the ideas, sketches, blueprints and concepts comes up together and bind into a process of building the actual app.

The process includes designing the screens of the app based upon the sketches and wireframes, designing the layouts and front end for the app, defining the technology stack and platform, building up the client server model, designing the database and architecture and then finally programming the app with a combined effort of all the parts of the process.

The process of designing and development is divided and broken into sprints, also known as modules to work on step by step approach and manage the process smoothly.

4) Quality Assurance and Testing

Software never was perfect and won’t get perfect ever. But is that a license to create garbage? Quality always matters.

This is the process where final polishing and quality cleaning of the application in terms of design, user interface, user experience, user interaction as well as usability is performed and the results are compared to the expected outcome as per the quality standards.

The app is tested across various devices, platforms and operating systems. The app is tested under various possible environments and on different loads. The benchmark of performances are marked, improved and raised in this process. This phase completely assures that the product or the app is designed and built exactly the way it was envisioned and expected.

 5) Launching the App

It’s time to go and test the market. It’s time to give a tough fight to your competitors.

So after all the hustle and efforts, finally your dream, your vision, your idea is given the shape of reality by converting it into a mobile application which is well designed, flawlessly defined and quality assured. It’s now the time when you can upload the app on Apple and Google stores and make them available for the users worldwide to download and install the app and use them for the purpose it was built.