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Monday, 30 April 2018

Traditional Market Research

Traditional Marketing Research is a wide concept which is incorporates Advertisement and Marketing. It involves various tools and techniques to gather required data and information. 

It focuses more on taking an assessment of the overall market for a product or service. Conducting a survey of the consumers so as to understand their likes and dislikes. Experimenting focus groups so as to understand how well have consumers responded to a new product. 

There have been many instances where Traditional methods have proven to be more beneficial when compared to mobile and online methods.

Traditional Marketing Research has two different ways of approaching the market for data collection
1) Qualitative Research
2) Quantitative Research.

1. Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is the social science research based on non-numerical data. It is conducted with the purpose of interpreting the meaning of these data which then helps to interpret the meaning of the data collected. 
It gives us an understanding of the social life by targeting the population or places and then conducting a detailed study on them. Qualitative Analysis is done by various observations, interviews, open-ended surveys, focus groups, oral history etc.
Qualitative Research methods can be helpful in various aspects as stated below:
  • ↬ To understand the values and the perceptions that highly influences the behaviour.

  • ↬ For developing various parameters so as to conduct a Quantitative study.

  • ↬ In order to identify and understand various needs of the customers.

  • ↬ To understand and analyse the way people accept and perceive the marketing message or any communication.

  • ↬ To understand the perceptions of marketing and various communicational messages.

  • ↬ To create new ideas that can help you in improving the product or extending the product line or the brand.

  • ↬ Qualitative Research will help you gain better understanding of the Quantitative study and also to accurately understand the context meaning of the data.
Situations where Qualitative Research should be used:
  • ↬ When you are creating or developing new product idea.

  • ↬ To build the steps for Quantitative Survey, you are determining and identifying the language of the consumer.

  • ↬ If you wish to analyse and check for the existing product, services, brand positioning or identify other marketing strategies.

  • ↬ Understanding the thought process of a company or a brand and their respective products.

  • ↬ To analyse in detail the positives and negatives of products or brands.

  • ↬ Check and Assess to what extents can a website be useful along with various other products or services.

  • ↬ Analyzing the reactions to various advertisements, public relation campaigns, graphic branding etc.

  • ↬ To identify the emotions and responses on various public and societal issues.

2. Quantitative Research

Quantitative research methods are majorly focused on measuring the objectives and analyzing statistical, mathematical and numerical data gathered through various polls, surveys, and questionnaire. 
The other way of doing it is manipulating the pre existing statistical data with the help of various computational techniques. It helps in gathering numerical data and then categorizing it among various people.
Quantitative Research methods can be helpful in various ways as stated below:
  • ↬ When there is a need of exploring or validating various concepts and designs with a large sample.

  • ↬ When you wish to measure the satisfaction level and the extent of usability with the standard measure.

  • ↬ It is also helpful to conduct the testing of hypotheses.

  • ↬ It is used for development of varied tools and methods for the numerical measurement and assessment.

  • ↬ It is also helpful in quantifying the opinions, behaviours, attitudes, and other defined variables so as to generalize the results from a larger sample population.

  • ↬ It is needed to get control over the variables in an experimental setting.
Situations where Quantitative Research should be used:
  • ↬ To understand the way in which the products or services are being used by the customers. You can get an idea of habitual users along with the specific features they use.

  • ↬ To assess and check the proportion of target audience within a community.

  • ↬ To identify from where the website traffic is coming from and you also can get detailed idea of those media channels which are helping to bring traffic to your page.

  • ↬ To check and analyse the proportion of target audience who recalls a message or practices a behaviour

  • ↬ It can be used when you wish to create a conversion funnel and you also can identify where customers abandon your conversion funnel. With the help of this data you can improvise the overall conversion rates accordingly.

Monday, 23 April 2018

Watch out these simple and useful tips to make Tizen Wearable app

Why here i'm talking about Tizen Wearable app? Right?

Tizen wearable technology are spread over the whole market in upcoming days because Tizen is OS for everything

Many people are using this kind of wearable device in their daily life like Smart Watch, Fitness Trackers etc...

Tizen Wearable device quite easy to use and make your life easy. In future Smart Glasses are also added in this list.

With the big names like Google and Apple existing in the market, it is quite difficult for other developers to sustain in the market competition. They are now majorly focusing on what are the available choices for Tizen wearable app developments

-> Android Wear
-> Samsung Gear
-> WatchKit
-> SalesForce Wear
-> Sony Wearable

If you wish to make best Tizen Wearable app, then take a quick note of certain points as stated below:
  • 1)While you are working on wearable apps, ensure to take into your consideration all the successful cases along with usability standards.

  • 2) Work practically and be realistic. Do not give up.

  • 3) Wearable is not only about a sensor, but it is a small computer that has capability of processing the data.

  • 4) Collaborate and work with hardware developers as only in that case the device will be supporting the app’s functionality. Else you will not be able to text the software due to which you will then have to adjust the setting for a respective design which will lead you to extra costs.

Saturday, 21 April 2018

‘Everyone Can Code’, an apple program looks promising in Europe

Everything needs words to speak, language to express them. Even technology has their own language which helps them communicating with others well. 

Technology has language, is called to be as Code. 

Apple has always believed in taking initiatives in exploring new possibilities. 

They have always strived hard to provide people with an ease in the aspect of technology. Its new initiative “Everyone can Code” is creating a buzz all across the globe. Apple never fails to surprise us with its new innovation and its new notion of “Everyone can Code” is sure to leave you in amazement.
Also Read:- Top 5 Best mobile app builder platforms
Apple has always considered Coding as essential skills not only for the developers but even for everyone. Coding is an art it is also helpful in strengthening our problem solving capabilities and enables to work together in the most creative ways. 
Coding also enables you to build app which gives your ideas wings to fly high. 
Apple has always believed in giving everyone equal opportunities to create something new which can help change the world. Considering this, Apple has introduced a new concept where a programmer has been designed and developed in such a way that it makes possible for anyone to learn, write and teach code. 
This has made Coding possible for each and everyone.
Apple has designed Swift and has ensured to keep it easy to be used. It has been designed in such a way that it is possible for you to keep a check on what you are creating with the code as you write it. 
Once you enter the code you will immediately get to see the result on the other side. There are various words and phrases used in this like Print, Add, and Remove, so as to make the operations easy and effective. Swift is very powerful not only in coding but in other aspects as well. Some of the most popular apps have been created in Swift.
Apple has reinvented the coding so as to make it easy for us to understand. For the beginners, Swift playgrounds has been developed which is an iPad app and is quite interesting and fun to use. To develop better understanding in the coding, there are inbuilt learn to code lessons listening to which you can increase your knowledge in coding. It allows you to use real code helping you to solve the puzzles and meeting the characters with just a tap.
Apple has created a comprehensive Everyone Can Code curriculum which will enable to teach coding to kids from kindergarten to the university. The schools will introduce you to the basics of the iPad, post your learning and clarity in the basics you will start building the apps in real on Mac. The tools and resources available to make coding easy and effective are Swift, Educator Forums, Books, Courses and Apps.

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Google will Start Considering Page Speed as a Factor for Mobile Search Ranking

Google has focus on Mobile Search Ranking and added one more factor called as "Page Speed".

Speed has considered and focused only for Desktop Searches. But now "Page Speed" are consider in group of ranking factors for Mobile Searches.

It will launch in July 2018.

As we all know if your page loading time is very slow. So, it will not getting good ranked by Google.

It doesn't means page which has slow speed are not getting good ranked, infect page with low speed getting high ranked just because of content of that page has most relevant as per the same query.

Also, Google rolled out "Mobile First Search index".

Google did not offer any direct Google Page Speed Tool to help developers check if their page is getting affected by this new ranking factor, but there are some resources which can help them in evaluating their page's performance.

1. Chrome user Experience Report
2. Page Speed Insights
3. Lighthouse

Searching are increasing in mobile compare to desktop searches in past few years,. It does not mean Google giving much importance to the mobile searches over the desktop searches.

Friday, 13 April 2018

What, How and Why of Artificial Intelligence?

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) called to be a part of Computer Science mainly focuses on intelligent machines creation that has got the capability of reacting with the humans. 
Machines are able to gain new experiences, can easily adjust with the new inputs and perform human like tasks. All this is made possible due to Artificial Intelligence.

How It Works?

When Philosophers were trying to make sense of human thinking in respect to the system, they turned out to invent the concept Artificial Intelligence in the year 1956. 
Philosophy is called to play a significant role in the introduction and growth of Artificial Intelligence. AI is applicable in various areas like:

Expert System is the area where the computers are created and programmed in a way that enables them to take decisions in real life situation.
Robotics, quite popular as computer programmed without the ability of seeing, hearing and reacting to the sensory stimuli including light, heat, sound, temperature and pressure.
Natural Language where the chatbots are developed in a way that they can easily identify natural human language if there is a direct communication with a customer.
Gaming Systems makes the manipulation of strategic games possible.
Neural System reproduces various types of physical connections that occur in the human brains. All this is being done by simulating intelligence.

Why to use Artificial Intelligence?

  • ~ AI helps in creating employment opportunities by eliminating the old jobs and bringing in new job opportunities.

  • ~ It has lead to an improvement in the healthcare facilities, and enables easy tracking of your health in real time.

  • ~ It also helps in protecting the environment by reducing the energy use.

  • ~ It provides complete security to us on various online platforms and also in the real world.

  • ~ It reduces of possibilities of accidents taking place by increasing the safety. It also helps in decreasing the traffic.

What Is "Internet of Thing"?

Internet of Things (IoT) is a growing topic of conversation for many people affect our lifestyle, the way we live and work. 

Nowadays almost all companies to started accepting the Internet of Things. 

A huge network of devices like smartphones, tablets etc. which are connected to the Internet.

All these devices helps in collecting and exchanging data. Also increase the ability of the machine learning technologies.

To ensure effective working of Blockchain for providing security of various applications have been launched in the market.

IoT depicts the relation between People-People, Things-Things and also People-Things.

Internet of Thing has made it name amongst the great market leaders like Apple and Google.

But it has also focused on creating the applications which can help improving the life of the people with smart offices and homes. 

IoT Marketplaces enables cost sharing and resolves all the issues of the vendors who are looking for modernization and automatic.

It has made its name not only in Home Appliances or thermostats but it has also introduced security products, smart automobiles and climate control applications which are trending a lot these days.

The trending technologies of IoT to keep an eye on are as follows:
1.     IoT in unique verticals
2.     Improvisation in the Security Systems
 3.     New IoT Marketplaces have emerged
4.     Machine Learning
5.     Digitalised Health Sector

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Choosing the Best Backend Provider for your iOS App

Front end app developer will not handle task of back end development. Both are different aspects and demands.

You can not avoid the back-end because every app are need a back-end support.

It's difficult task to measure the scalability while developing the back-end.

Back-end service provider are as follows

Appcelerator Cloud Service 

The Services of Back-end provider serves you

Ability to manage your application information into a database. Baas helps you to take data from object format as well as retrieving data from the Database.
Also store certain large document, images too.
Creating your own users who can also login through Twitter or Facebook.
Serve with sending push notification to all users or selective subnet users.
It also serves you with the authority of tagging your objects with specific location based on which queries can be made by the users.

Kotlin Language - An exciting update in Android Technology

17th May 2017 was the day when the CEO of Google Mr. Sundar Pichai and his team made a big announcement and the launch of Kotlin language was a part of this announcement. 

The launch of Kotlin for android developers has brought a lot of opportunities for the Mobile app developers all across the globe.

Kotline is astatically typed programming language which has been create to work on the solutions of practical issues which are being faced by the programmers working in the IT industry. 
Kotlin is said to be a powerful language and quite interesting too. It favours in providing support to null ability and immutability. 
It has solved lot of problems which the Android app developers faced before its launch. 
It is called to be one of the latest open source programming languages for Java Virtual machines which has also lead to enabling the streamlining Android App Development in a more effective way.
Kotlin has laid more emphasis on interoperability accompanied with Java Code and Java Standard library as it was developed with the motive of improving the performance of JetBrains existing solutions.

Kotlin has got a lot of features and benefits which are as follows

  • Being an open source development platform, it has lead to an enhancement in the speed of development and demands 20% less coding when compared to Java which aids the developers to make their app developing process faster.

  • Kotlin enables you to opt for writing either functional constructs and also you can opt for object oriented style.

  • Kotlin language is quite easy to learn for the developers. Kotlin is simpler compared to Java and is easy for even the fresher to learn it.

  • Kotlin is available for all, be it server side web programming, Client side scripting or Android.

  • One of its biggest advantages is that Kotlin offers interoperability with Java. The usage of Java frameworks and libraries in the new Kotlin projects is allowed with the usage of advanced frameworks without even changing the entire project in Java.

  • Kotlin is said to be Versatile and Secure Language. It helps the developers to avoid errors with the usage of NullPoint Exceptions. Koltin is called to be an efficient language for the developers featured with lot of benefits some of which are built-in null checking, high compatibility with Java Code, to add new functionalities to existing classes it has got extension methods too.

  • Kotlin is available for free for the Android App developers. Without spending even a single penny you can use Kotlin.

  • To convert your present Java files to Kotlin all you need is a Java-to Kotlin converter tool. This is an effective tool useful in changing the complex codes to simpler codes and also helps to save your time.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

The Apocalypse of Dating Apps

Online Dating Service has been quite popular terms among-st all of us especially the young ones who are single and looking to date someone. 

It is a process over the internet where the strangers get to meet new people so as to try their luck in making personal connection with them. 

Number of companies are available who have been providing these types of services as well as give you options for making a perfect match based on the profiles.

Some of the appications are completely free to use.

The trend of Dating apps have been increasing tremendously. 

Initially there used to be genuine profiles and people were quite satisfied with the service too. 

People were getting perfect matches for themselves and everything was going great. 

But eventually the quality of the Online Dating apps users started degrading and fake profiles came into existence. 

In the year 2011, a lawsuit was filed against several Online dating apps where they were asked to remove all the fake profiles used by some of the people, but the sites did not actually do so and showed fake high percentage of real members which was not the actual case.  

Tinder, quite well known Online Dating site. 

Initially Tinder used to be much in demand by the users, but eventually it just became of source of having fun. 

People stopped joining Tinder except for the ones who was willing to have fun.

The Dating apps started leading towards the apocalypse. 

The quality of the users on such sites and apps started diminishing. Women started getting explicit messages or images. 

As per the survey, majority of the men used such sites or app with the motive of having some fun or entertainment. Women even reported on getting harassed after using such apps or registering on such sites.

2014 was the year when the satisfaction level of online site and app users started declining and genuine people stopped using such sites or apps. 

Hinge called to be the Swiping app similar to Tinder use to offer you with the people who are in your connection through Facebook.

As per a survey conducted it was found that 85% of Hinge users have never found a long term relationship on any of the Swiping Apps.

Moreover 55% of the Hinge users started feeling isolated as they swipe through the swiping apps. 

All these statistics affected the use of Dating apps. It no more seemed to be the efficient way of producing relationships. 

Create gorgeous web animations just by dragging and dropping using Webflow

Bryant Chou, CTO and Co-founder of WebFlow.
Webflow is called to be a service where the users create the websites and get access to develop visually just by dragging-dropping and filling appropriately in the blanks. 
The creation of all these animations is done through a timeline tool, which indicates the effect or the transformations which needs to be applied to an element. It also specifies the order in which the event should happen.
Visual development tools do not have much recognition amongst the web developers and are also not well justified. 
They have been certain bad experiences like Wix and Squarespace where you find yourself locked into their platforms. 
All these services help you create an attractive website, but ultimately it will be of no use when you will find difficulty in shifting your content to another platform.
The strategy of constructing the webflow as the subsequent visible strategy to construct software program. 
He also stated that they will represent themselves as an abstraction layer on the constructing blocks of the web, that can be HTML, CSS and Javascript.

Monday, 2 April 2018

How to use Google Maps Offline

Google Map Offline is the new features which is provided by Google.

But still m
any of us are not aware with one of the features. Google Maps are accessible in iPhone and Android which is saving the maps for offline use. 

Yes, it is possible with this offline Google Maps which is most useful when you do not have internet available and need of the directions. 

Google maps offline have the facility of viewing, panning and zooming but can be used to get the directions. 

You need to save the map when you have WIFI connection and use as a offline on the road. 

The steps to use Google Map when you are offline are as follows:

1) Open Google Maps on your device. Initially it is needed for you to connect to Internet and also ensure that you are signed in to Google Maps. Search for the place you wish to get directions for.

2) When you get the required information, tap on the add symbol found in the bottom of the screen and that is when you will get a message asking you for downloading this area.

3) Make the corrections in the map location as per your requirements and once you think you have got the exact location, download the map.

4) The map then gets downloaded on your device’s storage by default, but you are given an option to download and save them on the SD card.

5) Once your map is downloaded, you can proceed with navigating and finding the directions.

6) To see your downloaded areas of the map, you can check it by tapping into the menu icon at the top left of the page and then returning to the Offline areas.

7) Using maps offline will give you driving directions but not bicycling or walking directions. You will also not get an idea of the traffic or lane guidelines. Changing of the routes for you will not be possible.