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Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Organic SEO: The Secret's in the Content

Organic SEO or Organic Search Engine Optimization is a technique which helps you to get top position on the search engine result page(SERP) without demand you to pay anything.

SEO demand in specifies the requirements, whereas Content Marketing fulfils all those demands and requirements as stated. Backlinks which helps in linking to your site and they generate through quality content.

Two types of SEO are there:-
1) Organic SEO
2) Paid SEO

Organic SEO is completely free and natural placement on the organic search result page.
In Paid SEO, you can pay something which is mainly use for Advertising purpose.

Also Read:-Types of SEO White Hat SEO & Black Hat SEO

Common methods of organic SEO involve writing high quality content, create backlink, boosting keywords etc. All these methods can help in improving the page rank of website.

Content provides the keywords. Keywords are the most vital component of SEO which has a great impact on the ranking in the SERPs.

Content Writing is the core part of SEO as it proves to be beneficial for the creating the presence of your business on the web.

Content Marketing can be successful only if you apply the predetermined SEO techniques.

Certain tips to make your organic SEO effective with attractive content

  • Focus on the Quality content and not the Quantity of the content.
  • SEO is not only about keywords; focus on writing for human consumption.
  • Focus on Latent Semantic Indexing where the search engine focuses on understanding the relation between the terms and the words.
  • Common SEO mistakes that you should avoid in order to ensure that your business website gains.
  • Make it more readable and understandable by using shorter sentences, accurate grammar and punctuation.
  • Avoid writing short content. Google is fighting for thin content
  • Linking sources to your content will also improve your content’s relevance score of targeting the keywords.
Also Read:- How to do an effective ASO for mobile apps

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Advantage of Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Any of the Researchers have two options to conduct their research: Quantitative and Qualitative Method.

Qualitative Research id dependent on the creation of Hypothesis followed by accurate analysis of the statistics in order to understand and explain the research findings. Qualitative Research method is more depend on deriving the value of variables in their natural setting.

Quantitative Research provides an allowance on the formulation of statistically sound hypothesis and does not focus more on the emotional design. Qualitative Research method majorly focuses on small groups which ultimately do not require more expenses  when compared to Qualitative Research

Related Blog:- Strengthsand weaknesses of Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Quantitative data provide a macro view with all the required details and comparatively larger sample. In Qualitative, all the problems and the topics covered under this research are in detail. In Quantitative Method, larger smaple sizes enable the conclusion to be generalized. The manual implementations of ideas can be automated completely which can save time.

The data with this Qualitative method is collected based on genuine efforts and gives a clear vision on what can be expected. On the emergence of new developed information and findings, the revision, direction and framework of the data can be done easily quickly.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Most Common SEO Mistakes You May Be Making


Every online marketer spends a lot of time to analyze and understand the SEO techniques to bring large number of visitors on their website and also aware of existence market so converting them into sales.
Search engine optimization is necessary for the marketers to easily beat the competition in the market. Even the largest business firms are survive to stay on the top position and often fall into the trap of not doing SEO correctly
Some of the common SEO mistakes that you should avoid for your business success are as follows:

Not setting the budget for SEO activity:

Activity of Search Engine Optimization doesn't need to make huge investments.
By practice and your 100% efforts can give the success. 

Your website is engaging you might have to invest some of your money. In order to get top rank.

SEO analyst helps you to achieve goal in short duration of time.

Setting a predetermined budget for SEO activities will make it easier for you to utilize those activities as and when needed.

► Publishing the Duplicate or Copy Content:


Use Copy content is the most common SEO mistake because copy and paste the same content used to be a common practice

In this Digital World, Publishing the duplicate or copy Content is called to be a spam practice. If you do then it will be penalized. 

If Content is king, you can easily get traffic. So, always create unique and fresh content . This will help your website gain popularity with a push in the search results.

Read :- Best Tactics to Consider for ASO

► Choosing the Wrong Keywords:

Choosing the right keyword is the most important part of SEO.

But are you double sure which keyword you use that was right or not?

Choosing the wrong keywords is the most common SEO mistakes of majority of the marketers are do.

Expecting the SEO results to show their effects instantly:


SEO is the long term process; you cannot measure it just one or twos, it will take some time to show its result. 

You need to give more efforts and practice to show their effects instantly.

You just have to use SEO tools like Google Analytics ans Webmaster tool, Google PageSpeed Insights, Open Site Explorer, SEO Power Suite's,, Keyword Planner etc... to analyse the status of your SEO activities.

Creating content targeting the other random keywords:

Almost all SEO marketers make this mistake to creating a content with other random keywords which is not based on your targeted keywords.

Always focus on targeted keyword to rank high because search engine prefer that content match up the search terms of the users.

It means you lost your website ranking if your content does not fulfill the expectation of user needs.

Also Read:- Organic SEO : The Secret's in the Content

Friday, 12 January 2018

Tizen vs Android


Nowadays Operating System is getting more advance.
Android OS is one of the most popular in a market, Samsung's Tizen are there which is compete with android.
Tizen : The OS for Everything like Tv, Pc, Smart Phones, Tablets etc...
Tizen is a Linux based open source operating System which introduce by Intel and Samsung.
Read :- Tizen vs Android : A Straight comparision

Tizen and Android separate from each other are as stated below

  • Tizen have light weight operating system compared to Android OS.
  • Tizen support HTML 5 and WAC based external applications whereas Android prefer Java and Objective C language for application.
  • Android displays the status bar along with the keyboard display whereas Tizen fails to do so.
  • The layout of Tizen is similar to Android the only difference is the absence of Google Centric search bar.
  • Tizen providing 64-bit processor which is still under process of development by Android.
  • Tizen falls down with just the apps and not the thumbnails which is not so in Android.
  • Tizen provide the facility of expanded notification or action button where Android has got it all including the notification panel, e-mail with all the options needed.

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Google Assistant and Actions have made it onto the iPhone

Google Assistant is a virtual personal assistant which is developed by Google. Mainly available on smartphone devices.

It can engage in two way communication and also getting over the iPhone users is now turning into the reality.

The Google Assistant app has capable to perform Google Searches , find videos on YouTube and surface the information from Gmail too.

Google’s Assistant is now available on App Store.


During the I/O developers conference, Google has finally made an announcement stating the Voice enables Assistant will be soon accessible in iPhone.

Now the third-party actions are easily access by Apple users.

Google has also stated that the Assistant will be available in varied new languages like Brazilian, French, Japanese, Portuguese and German.

Google Assistant on iPhone already works with third-party actions. This is very nice (especially because you can text with it)
                                   — Federico Viticci (@viticci) May 17, 2017

As soon as Google will be include Spanish, Italian, Korean language too.

By creating the custom Actions for Google Assistant, it will not just be limited to tapping into your Google Apps on your phone, but it will also include controlling connected devices in your house.

Launch of the Google Assistant with in-built feature of pixel phones. also you can send message or even play music. Like Siri, but you will not able to complete with the siri.

Voice-enabled assistant advantage are there in Google Assistant for iPhone with better in accurately understanding all the queries pertaining to the conversations.

Read :- Google launches Google Assistant on the iPhone

Monday, 8 January 2018

Advantage of Alpha and Beta versions before going out live publicly


Software Testing that means you aware of bugs which may come while working. In a simple word, Testing is the process of finding bug might face while working.

Software Testing is considered to be the core element divided into two parts: Alpha and Beta Testing:

Alpha and Beta software testing are most important to the success of any of the software.  Both Alpha and beta testing techniques have proven to be very effective.


It's also called to be the internal testing performed by many of the firms with the help of in-house project. A team of highly skilled testers can be conducted alpha testing.

Alpha testing is based on white box and black box testing techniques.

Before we start Alpha testing, we doing some development and requirements of software is being analysed and identified based on which further activities takes place this phase is called Pre-Alpha testing.

Once software development process gets improvised when Alpha Testing begins and also undergoes the process of debugging and validating.

Alpha Testing do not allow the outside users while testing.

Read:- Best Software Testing Training Institute in India 

First Alpha testing cycle are compete then after you can conducted Beta Testing that's why it's called the final testing phase.

Company releases the software to be tested externally from the test teams outside the company and it will be conducted real environment by real users that means invites outsiders to participate in the testing process, and this process is called as Open Beta Testing.

Beta Testing focuses on black box Technique.

Beta testing involves the debugging and validating the program beta version.

Identifies the opportunities, stability of the program considering the future users. Beta testing company have a wide range of people whom the constantly co operate. 

Read:- Best Software Testing Training Institute in India 

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

What is Google Lens and its 2017 I/O conference

Google are always surprise their user with their latest update. Now it's Launch Google Lens with its 2017 I/O conference of new AI photography technology.

But, what is Google Lens? Right?

Google Lens is designed to bringing up relevant information using visual analysis. It enable the users to point -out one specific object and ask the Google Assistant about what object is being pointed to which Google Assistant responds on the suggestion based on the object pointed.

In Another way, you can say Google Lens is a intelligent photo recognition technology that attempt to identify the object and show relevant search results and information like if you pointing the flower then it will tell you which types of flower it is. And also give the information about florists which is nearby.

One more example which is mainly I used to Google Lens for check movie show time as well as display options like Book my Tickets, Events Calendar and so on.